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These historic Virginia City buildings are in need of preservation!

For more information please contact the

Montana Heritage Commission

PO Box 338

Virginia City, MT 59755


1. Stonewall Hall
Montana's Territorial Capitol Building
(1865 - 1875)

Stonewall Hall Virginia City, Montana

Amount needed to complete stabilization:

2. Coggswell-Taylor House
Home of Sarah Bickford - Montana's first female African American businessowner

Cogswell Taylor House Sarah Bickford Virginia City, Montana
sarah middle age.jpg

Amount needed to restore & preserve building:

3. Hickman Residence
Home of Montana's Pioneer and
Territorial Legislator
Richard O. Hickman

Hickman Residence Virginia City, Montana

Amount needed to restore & preserve building:

4. Gilbert House

Gilbert House Virginia City, Montana
B-Gilbert house west - 1892 - crop.jpg

Amount needed to restore & preserve building:

Virginia City Map Labeled.png


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